Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Prostitution - Essay Example The first main point for evaluation is the point of human rights. Perkins (1991) wrote about human rights in support of prostitution: â€Å"The decriminalisation of the prostitution legislation, therefore, would immediately free prostitutes from the shackles of unjust laws, but it would also be a positive step in removing a punitive threat to all women, especially those who aspire to freedom of sexual choice.† This is a main point because I strongly disagree with prostitution, and yet, Perkins presented an interesting concept that prostitution is a freedom of sexual choice. It is a good example of freedom of autonomy over one’s body that is hard to oppose. I definitely do not see prostitution as a sort of freedom, but prostitutes can claim their bodies as their own, therefore underscoring their human right to their job of choice. Post (2013) opposed Perkins when she said: â€Å"The practice of prostitution brands all women as something that can be bought and sold; and therefore, just like slaves, less than full humans who deserve the complete panoply of human rights.† I agree with her that prostitution is dehumanising, so it means it is not aligned with human rights. To be a prostitute is to be a slave to gender-based sexual desires that is not what humanity should be. I truly think that to have human rights and freedoms, prostitutes should have access to other alternative jobs. Leidholdt (1993) also disagreed with Perkins that prostitution is a human right or freedom: â€Å"[Prostitution] is about the absence of meaningful choices; about having alternative routes to survival cut off or being in a situation where you don’t have options to begin with† (p.136). I chose this as a main point because I agree that prostitution is against human rights because many prostitutes are known to say that they would leave prostitution

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