Monday, September 9, 2019

The Finland Phenomenon Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Finland Phenomenon - Coursework Example The government funds all the institutes, creates scholarships and benefits for deserving students, international students are given opportunities to come and study in Finnish universities, scholarships are provided to international students and all students are treated equally irrespective of their race and ethnicity. Whereas when we observe the education system of the United States, we get to know that although the government funds a lot of public institutes, it does not however fund colleges and universities. Funding by the government is provided only for specific purposes such as research projects. Students are made to get loans on high interests and spend their lives working to pay it off. Although the government of US creates scholarships but only in a limited number and those who fail to get a scholarship fail to continue their study whereas in Finland, free education enables everyone to pursue their dreams. The Finnish and American education systems have some unique student and teacher behaviors and characteristics. Some of them include: teachers being kind and generous to their students and students giving respect to the teachers. Also, one of the most important characteristic of the teachers was their interest in teaching the students and making them a better person by getting down to the mental level of the students, helping them and guiding them in the professional as well as personal lives and being more of a friend than teachers. This video gives us important information and guidelines related to the educational systems of two of the most respected and great nations of the world. Also, it guides us to develop the education systems of third world countries such as ones in Asia and Africa. It teaches us how we can work in a better way to communicate with students and create a better educational environment. One the most

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